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Jumat, 24 Juni 2011

Early Marriage


Youth is a generation that depend  in the future fate of the nation, a phrase saying, "good or bad of a nation in the future, is determined by both the bad boy in the present". Early marriage is always associated
with the age of marriage was held on the threshold .Threshold actually a  "early permissibility" is tolerated by law in the State .

Driving factors of Early Marriage:
1.     1. Economic factor
Early Marriage occurred because condition family live in poverty  and the burden then the parents mated marry her son with the people considered capable.
2.      2.Education factor
The low level of education or knowledge of parents, children and the society, about impact Early Marriage
3.    3.  Mass media & MBA (Married By Accident)
Incessant exposure to sex in the media  make the young generation to do like they look and occurred free sex to teenager
Impact of Early Marriage are the  low levels of intelligence or IQ in children and the existence of  disturbances in physical development of children.

The solution for this are Keeping young people not to sink into ugliness and  from the parents guidance  can be minimized the adverse effects.Don’t forget to think carefully before deciding to get married early.

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